Drew Brees has earned benefit of the doubt

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The level of importance of events, thoughts, causes and entertainment in our lives is all about individual perspective. It depends on who you are and what you think.

No one should tell anyone else how to think and no one should compromise what he or she believes.

There is a huge difference between compromise and tolerance.

Regardless of what you believe, we are to be tolerant, respectful and understanding of those with opposing points of view.

The incendiary, hostile, vicious discourse between people on opposite sides of social, political, religious and other beliefs is disheartening, discouraging and I often find myself in disbelief at what I have lived long enough to witness.

Drew Brees has never been anything but positive in the community, positive with family and positive with teammates and coaches. He has invested in many worthy causes.

Perhaps the cause he chose to invest in most recently was not worthy. That is his prerogative.

It is also the prerogative of others to scrutinize a public figure, which Brees is.

Of course, he is a guy playing football. In the grand scheme of life, that is, borrowing the name of a popular board game of years past, a trivial pursuit.

Of course, football players are compensated in enormous fashion, whether it is appropriate of disproportionate.

Of course, football players are placed on a pedestal, for better or for worse.

We all want our heroes to be perfect.

No one is perfect or without sin.

I love sports and have made a living in pursuing the touchdowns, home runs and slam dunks of life. It has been a pleasure detailing the drama, the excitement and the good stories that come along with the world of sports.

On the other hand, it is not fun, in any capacity, to talk about the negative aspects of sport, from unsportsmanlike conduct on or off the playing fields to the haggling over money.

As responsible journalists, it is incumbent upon us to address the issues when they become stories.

Brees expressed himself through his Christian faith in a worthy cause to distribute Bibles to young people on this earth.

Given his track record, I believe we are to take this man at his word.

If he says he was not aware of the social stance of Focus on the Family regarding matters of the LGTBQ community, he has the benefit of the doubt from me.

Brees has never expressed any negative views toward anyone of the gay lifestyle.

I am fortunate to have been taught correctly and have evolved and learned to be tolerant, understanding and to love one another.

Whether you agree with something or not, to live a life according to the tenets of the faith you express, in this case Christianity, the edict is simple.

Jesus gave us two basic, fundamental commands to abide by that stick out like a bold thumb.

In Matthew 22:37-39, He told us to “love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

In John 13:34-35, Jesus said, “a new command I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this, all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Love your neighbor as yourself. That is compelling, hard to do. We are selfish, by nature, even those who are selfless at times. We are to love one another. To be a true Christian, that is an unimpeachable command.

People are entitled to their own views. That is clear.

We live in a free society where our views can be expressed. That is a blessing.

We do not have to agree with each other and quite often, we will not agree on matters.

In our society, you are innocent until proven guilty.

Brees is innocent of any wrongdoing. The guilt by association tag will be attached to him in the eyes of some. He can choose to disavow his veiled or unintentional support for Focus on the Family if he chooses to do so.

For those who view Brees with a jaundiced eye, the words of Alexander Pope certainly come to mind.

“To err is human, to forgive divine.”

We are all sinners. Those of faith believe that they are saved by grace through the mercy of the Lord.

We are all in need of forgiveness. I know I am and have been in my life.

Live your life as you see fit. Adhere to your beliefs. Live that life to the best of your ability. Make a genuine effort to understand others and other points of view. Respect the decisions and beliefs of others.

If there are no other words or actions, while the phrase is not Biblical, this, too, shall pass.

Hopefully, that will be the case immediately.

Then, we can get back to talking about and watching the outstanding passes of Brees, which is what fans of the New Orleans Saints and sport want to do.

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Ken Trahan


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Born and raised in the New Orleans area, CCSE CEO Ken Trahan has been a sports media fixture in the community for nearly four decades. Ken started NewOrleans.com/Sports with Bill Hammack and Don Jones in 2008. In 2011, the site became SportsNOLA.com. On August 1, 2017, Ken helped launch CrescentCitySports.com. Having accumulated national awards/recognition (National Sports Media Association, National Football…

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